Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Catia tutorial | Catia v5 | How to make better fill

Next tutorial about Generative Shape Design. This video shows a combination of tools, fill and join in order to fully fill surface. To obtain a smooth surface join tool has activated Simplify Results.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Catia Tutorial | Catia v5 | How to use Law - model of fan

Catia v5 offer the possibility to define feature properties using laws. This tutorial shows how to make fan with using Sweep,Law and Part Design.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Catia Tutorial | Catia V5 | Draft Analysis

This tutorial show you how to use draft analysis.

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Catia tutorial | How to clean tree using Delete Useless

How to easily clear the unnecessary operations in the tree by using the Delete Useless.

Catia Tutorial | Fillets on corner

In this tutorial I will show you how to do better fillets. This is an important thing in product design. It is often used in design of sheet metal.

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Catia Tutorial - Part Design #1 Modeling

In this tutorial, I present a short movie about modeling in Part Design. Basic functions for beginners. Subsequent to the Part Design tutorials soon.

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Catia Tutorial | How to use Geometrical Sets

Next tutorial. How to use Geometrical sets.

Catia Tutorial 2 | Multi fillets in sketch

Another tutorial in which you can see how to make fillets inside Sketch.In addition, I presented the parameters by which you can easily control the dimensions in CATIA

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Catia Tutorial | Catia V5 | First tutorial | Cut by fillets

The present tutorial describes how to use Shape Fillet in CATIA V5 to cut surfaces. Sample tutorial made in Generative Shape Design .

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Catia Tutorial | Catia V5 | Create separate profiles from one sketch

In this tutorial, I'll present how to use Output Feature in sketch. This allows you to sketch each separate edge to make any operations with them. Enjoy.

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Irena Sendler Story...

This film is beyond the topic but I would put it to emphasize what the person was Irena Sendler.

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Catia Tutorial | Catia v5 | Mouse?! :)

Another tutorial using generative shape design. This part is not completely similar to the mouse but it's not the point. It's similar to toy of my cat:) One of the tools which I used it's helix. Throughout the tutorial I didn't use a sketch. Whole was made using lines, points and circles.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Catia Tutorial | Catia v5 | Parameters - Part Design

I put new videos which show you how to use parameters in Catia v5. This is very simple example of solid part. If you don't see parameters just click Tools/Options/Infrastructure/Part Infrastructure, Tabs- Display and then toogle on:Parameters. HD version can be found on the website http://www.youtube.com/user/catiav5user - my channel YouTube.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Catia Tutorial | Catia V5 | Text + pdf version | Multi fillets in Sketch

I started to write my blog in English.I hope that my tutorials will help more users.In advance I apologize for any mistakes in my english :)
PDF version : download PDF
Let's start with this tutorial:
1. First of all lets create new point and plane.

Catia Tutorial,Catia V5,CAD,Video Tutorials

Catia Tutorial,Catia V5,CAD,Video Tutorials

Monday, September 7, 2009

Catia Tutorial | Jak używać Geometrical Set | Wersja tekstowa | Polish Version | English Soon...

Oprócz video tutoriali, będe umieszczał również tutoriale w wersji pisanej :) Oczywiście łatwiejsze jest zrobienie video, napisany przeze mnie tutorial będzie pomocnym dodatkiem do nauki:)
Geometrical sety są swego rodzaju katalogami różnych operacji wykonywanych w programie CATIA. Jest bardzo użyteczne narzędzie gdy używamy modułu Generative Shape Design. Możemy w nich umieścić dowolne operacje, opisać je dla łatwiejszego edytowania naszego projektu. Ma to wielkie znaczenie w przypadku większych projektów. Wyobraźmy sobie kilkadziesiąt operacji w Catii. Umieszczając wszystko w jednym secie, tworzy nam się gigantyczna historia, w której znalezienie i edytowanie operacji może sprawić nam wielką trudność. Stosując sety możemy zaoszczędzić sporo czasu i nerwów.

Tutoriala można pobrać w formacie PDF pobierz
Przejdźmy do tutoriala:
1. Otwieramy program CATIA, następnie Start-->Generative Shape Design, pojawia się okno New Part, wpisujemy dowolną nazwę w Enter Part Name i klikamy OK.
2. W górnym pasku klikamy Insert, następnie Geometrical Set.
Catia Tutorial,Catia V5,CAD,Video Tutorials

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Catia Tutorial | How to make tangency surface using Blend

Combine 2 area by using Blend. Tutorial shows how to easily create a tangent space between 2 seperate extrude.